Personal and Social Education
The main aim of this course is to provide adequate focus on the personal developments of pupils between the ages of 11-18. This is achieved by offering educational experiences which will be of benefit emotionally and socially during their journey through life, in addition to developing appropriate attitudes and skills. The course develops the spiritual, moral, cultural and physical aspects of our pupils by offering appropriate cross-curricular provision in many areas.
The following components are included in the PSHE programme:- Health and Emotional Well-being, Active Citizenship, Moral and Spiritual Development, preparing for Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship.
These components are given priority in order to encourage the development of personal virtues and characteristics such as responsibility for oneself and community, empathy, awareness of their Welsh identity, problem solving skills and learning strategies.
The following activities are offered:
Additional Learning and Educational Needs Policy
The aims and objectives of the school state that it endeavours to provide for all pupils. This includes every pupil who has additional educational needs.
In accordance with the general aims and objectives of the school, it endeavours to do its best for and achieve the best from every pupil with additional educational needs.
The special educational needs could arise from several aspects, including – low academic level, a high academic achievement, physical disability, psychological needs, social backgrounds, specific learning difficulties, a slow learner and anti-social behaviour.
Able and Talented Pupils
Our feeding primary schools share information with us about the talents of pupils before they start year 7. There are wide-ranging opportunities within the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities for able and talented pupils. Performance data and challenging targets are used to identify and challenge pupils to excel.
Accessibility Plan
The site at Ysgol Y Strade has been adapted during the last few years to be accessible to pupils and adults with a range of disabilities, including wheelchair users. The new buildings have disabled toilets and lifts to the first floors.
Sex and Relationships Education
This will be undertaken according to the policy of the Carmarthenshire Education Authority on Sex Education in the curriculum. We shall develop Sex Education within an inter-disciplinary framework taking into account:
- The age, maturity and development of the pupil.
- The syllabuses which include Sex and Relationships Education will give a particular consideration to moral issues and the value of family life, the age, maturity and development of the pupils.
- The requirements of the syllabuses of Health Education and Moral Education taught as a part of Personal and Social Education to every pupil in the school (as a complete course in Years 10,11,12,13 and as a part of the PSHE lessons in Years 7-9).
- The requirements of the Science syllabus (GCSE) to all pupils in Years 10 and 11.
Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
The school promotes Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship across the curriculum. The Eco committee works consistently to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and to improve areas within the school campus.
The school generously supports a wide range of local, national and international charities. Pupils are encouraged to think of others less fortunate than themselves.
Healthy School
Strade is part of the Carmarthenshire Healthy Schools Initiative.
“A healthy school is one that succeeds in helping pupils to do their best and build on their achievements”.
All aspects of good health are promoted – emotional, mental and physical. There is a positive ethos where all members of the school community are valued.
Fair Trade
The school promotes Fair Trade by selling and using Fair Trade products where possible and by learning about Fair Trade matters across the curriculum.
Pupil Voice
Representatives from each year group form a Year Council and a School Council which give pupils a voice on a variety of issues that are of importance to young people; they meet every half term.
Counselling Service
A qualified counsellor visits the school on a regular basis to meet pupils who wish to discuss any personal matters of concern to them. The service allows a young person to develop self-esteem, confidence and effective coping strategies enabling them to cope with any crises that arise. The service is confidential, safe, accessible and of a high standard.
Religious education
Religious Education is available to all pupils. All pupils are expected to take part in daily collective worship. The school’s programme of collective worship involves some school year and class assemblies and is based on religious themes or themes with a moral or spiritual emphasis. When pupils are not attending assembly, an act of worship, which is mainly of a broadly Christian character, takes place in form classrooms. Parents who wish to exercise their right to withdraw their children from Religious Education or assemblies should contact the Headteacher.